Wednesday 31 August 2011


Evening Everyone

Oh gosh so tomorrow is D day you could say- right now im an anxiety provoked mess, im dreading tomorrow so bad! Although I do not believe in the fact that the world is going to 'end' in 2012- right now I wish it would end right at this moment so I don't have to go through tomorrow...That's how nervous I am!

I had my appt with my CAMHS worker today and we discussed about tomorrow && about the Valium to help me with the anxiety! She suggested that I take 4mg of it an hour before the appt, so it has time to kick in- I really want to take it but again I find it hard due to my anxiety over taking meds! Also another worry I have is Valium (Diazepam) is extremely addictive, I really don't want to be on 3 different types of meds!

Anyways back to the problem in hand! I think im just going to see in the morning how I feel as to take the Valium or not, it would be good if I don't have to but we'll just see! So my plan for tomorrow- leave at 10.00am (Boo no Jeremy Kyle for me- my weakness) get to the city around 10.30-which is good because then there will be minimal waiting around in the waiting room ( I cannot stand waiting when it's something like that) *fingers crossed* That i'll be able to take my iPod in with me!! I'll be in and out by 11.00, let's just hope I don't run away in fear!!

                                                                         Emma x
                    P.S Did I mention I have a bad ass fear of the dentist? 

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