Friday 26 August 2011

'opens the envelope' I GOT AN A*

A Very Good Evening To You All,

So yesterday was the big day for everyone receiving their GCSE results- which I was apart of as I didn't do exams in Year 11 due to being homeschooled (story for another day) Anyways, in my first year of College I was set to take English, Math, Media, IT and my beloved Photography... By March time this was a totally different story, I had to drop Media, Math and English due to all my anxiety && other mental health problems- I have a real hard time in getting to College and staying there... I managed to complete my IT course as it finished just before Christmas '10 and I managed to complete the Photography course, my mental illnesses took away everything else but I wouldn't let it take away my love for Photography- So I pushed through with tons of my mums help && guidance and managed to take and complete the 3 week exam! Lengthy I know, it was spread out over 3 weeks!!

                                        Bad angle but you can clearly see the A* 

So I went into College yesterday to pick up 'that' envelope... You know the one that 'determines your future'  I opened it and to my absolute shock I had landed an A* in Photography!! I was happy and shocked all at the same time- it was an amazing feeling to know that I kicked anxiety's ass with a grade that was very much worth working hard for! Im so proud- as are my parents && CAMHS worker (: My parents are buying me some new shoes! 

                                                                Emma x


  1. Congrats! I would like to send you a small gift. Where shall I send it? :) Hope we get to see a photo of those shoes!

  2. Thank You Marina (: And Thank You Limner- that's so thoughtful of you, your so kind! Do you have an email address to where I could send my address to?

    E x
