Monday 29 August 2011

Goal Of The Week!

Bonjour Lovelies

So it's a new week- although it doesn't feel like it due to the bank holiday- and a new 'goal of the week'! I haven't really thought much about my goal for this week... There is something nagging away in my mind though- something that I really should do before october, as this'll be me in before Christmas!

                                        This photo massively scares me....

No I won't be Katy Perry but I will have braces... *sigh* Braces when im 17- ahaa what a way for kids to make fun of me! I finally got my 2nd appt on the 18th October, I've been on the waiting list for way over a year now so finally after all this waiting the time has come! Right now my head is just thinking oh god oh god oh god... Im sure it'll be okay it's just my ortho obviously thinks I go to the dentist on a regular basis- Oh how wrong could she be! I avoided the dentist for a couple of years now, bad I know && very shameful but I can't help that I fear it- 1 in 10 people do so it's not as though im the only one! My heart is getting speedy just thinking about going.... But I gotta do this, I will do this! 

Tomorrow I will make the appt preferably for this week to get it out of the way as quick as possible! I am such a wimp, baby whatever you want to call it- that's me! Please, wish me luck because my heart is pounding already!

                                                                      Emma x

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