Monday 1 August 2011

Musical Mondays.

As a lover of all things musical, I thought I would have a weekly update on the things that I am currently listening to! Right now I cannot stop listening to some tracks from Amy Winehouse's album Back To Black. As everyone knows Amy passed away recently, the way I see it is it's a tragedy that such a talented, young and vibrant person is no longer around to do what they do best, sing! Sadly her talent was all gone to drink and drugs. My favorite songs of hers are:

  • Valerie
  • Tears Dry On Their Own and the classic....
  • Rehab!
I guess at the end of the day the drugs and the alcohol were the things that destroyed her and made her the person the media craved. When I think of 
Amy Winehouse, I think of her amazing voice!
                                          Emma x

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