Monday 8 August 2011

Goal Of The Week!


A new week. A new goal! It's monday... That can only mean putting my goal of the week in place! So after the successful meet with my bestest last week, im feeling *just about* confident to go out again, I have to admit it's pretty darn scary going out without my mum but I shall do it!

 Hmm you probably wondering what my goal of the week even is, I shall tell you now- two words- Harry Potter! Yes, I am taking a trip to the Cinema to see HP with my lovely twinny! I have a feeling *massive feeling* that this goal is going to be so much harder than last week purely because going to the cinema is a major place of avoidance in my life, I really don't like it. The last time I went in January 09 I was dragged there so this is a pretty big step for me going to the cinema out of free will! *sigh* I can feel my anxiety building up just thinking about it, i know this is a scary thing for me to do but I feel I need to do this for many reasons! Plus I know it'll make my sister happier as she hates seeing me indoors all the time while she is out being a normal teenager!

I discussing it with my therapist earlier, (oh haaaiiii if your looking) and I was getting pretty stoked about it that I just wanted to get going and go to the cinema there and then! I guess what im worried about really, is when it comes to the crunch time I will back out of the plan... I guess what I need to keep thinking is that I can always step outside if I need to plus HP has been out for ages so I doubt the cinema will be that packed- which is always a good thing when it comes down to anxiety!

Lets just hope that my lust and love for Bellatrix (as played by the beautiful Helena Bonham Carter) overpowers my anxiety cuz well let's face it she is hawwwwtt!

                                                                    Emma x
                             P.S Please switch all mobile phones off during the film. Enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. thats gud :)
    im stuck with my next post lol
    lol i never turn of my phone on cinema i just put on silent although last time i went i was texting couple times
