Friday 12 August 2011

Obsessive. Obsessive. Obsessive.

Evening Bloggers

Ye-up you guessed this, this post is basically me ranting and raving about living with OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder). It's certainly not a roundabout of fun or a walk in the park, it's more like an extremely frustrating, intrusive and not to mention darn right infuriating little thing that you don't want to be there but it is... I am finding it hard to describe, hmm.... Basically like a huge spot on your face, you don't want it there && you wish and wish for it too go and you pick it off, but then your scarred... kinda like that in a strange sort of way- you don't want the OCD to be there but it is! Okay that description was rather odd, don't you think? I blame the meds!

So im one of those OCD people, whom I call "germ freaks" because that's what I am! Im obsessed with germs, you won't see me without my trusty anti-bac, it's my bestest friend ever! Some days I think if I lived by myself life would be so much easier, I wouldn't have to worry about my mum preping meals or my sister coming in from being out and not washing her hands- im sorry but that's horrible, who does that? I have to have all my own little food items such as bread and peanut butter etc... It makes me feel safe in the knowledge knowing my food hasn't been contaminated with "outside" germs! I would love to say that that was all.... well sorry but it's not! I don't even know if there is even a name for this OCD-thing but I *oddly* enough have to say the exact same thing && the exact same time etc... you get my gist! It's pretty embarrassing in all honesty but thankfully it's just my mum at the end of this so it's not too bad! I find the "thought-thing" ( as I describe it to shrinks) more upsetting and harder to deal with than the obsessive hand washing- I would love for that to leave my head more so than my germ-a-phobia! But in saying that I think it'll be one of the harder things purely because I find it so embarrassing to speak about so E if you are looking at this... Be prepared!!

My experience in suffering with OCD is that it wasn't an instant thing, it slowly but surely creeped up on me like an annoying spider dangling down from it's web... but slow it down by six months or so! It first started off with the constant hand washing, I mean I would get up to around 60 hand washes per day so it didn't take me long to realize that it was a problem... as the germ-a-phobic OCD (I don't know what to call it?!) gradually became worse along came the thought thing, all the more frustrating!

I don't know what image you would associate with Obsessive compulsive disorder so I had a look on the internet && found some cartoon style images which I thought were pretty fun, so here are some of them! They put a light-humored touch so something that is infuriatingly frustrating! 


                                                 This is me in a nutshell!

                                                Have a great weekend everyone!

                                                               Emma x

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