Tuesday 9 August 2011

Tomorrow is the day!

Well I at least thought I would have some more prep than this...Tomorrow is the day guys, it's HP time! I spoke to my sister yesterday and she said the best day for her would be thursday but having looked at the cinema listings it seemed the only day for a morning showing was wednesday, so tomorrow it shall be! Of-course me being the anxiety magnet that I am I'm feeling really nervous about going to the cinema tomorrow...

This is what I usually do you see, let me give you an example:
"Hey, do you want to meet up tomorrow?"
Me: "Ermm yeah sure"... the next day... "Sorry I can't come out today!"

It's kinda like catch 22 on one hand I really *really* want to go out but at the same time I don't purely because it makes my anxiety really bad, I mean who wants to suffer with acute anxiety? Not me so I avoid it! Yeah yeah it's bad I know to avoid things && that you should do something every day that "scares you" blah blah blah... I mean at the end of the day I am doing something that scares me, just at my own pace in my own time which I think is fine as long as I am making progress through this roller-coaster of mental illnesses!

Tuesday is usually when I do my mani in the afternoon while watching Criminal Minds (and then watching the repeat straight after as I love it that much) so to get me pumped for tomorrow I did a HP inspired mani which I have to say im pretty proud of! I shall post a picture tomorrow after I've come back from the movie so it'll go with all the pictures etc..

Gaaahh I really don't know what to think about tomorrow, my anxiety is waffling on saying don't go don't go... but I need to do this I really do! Im trying to think how happy I will be once I come out of the cinema having seen the movie! Im trying to just think what my best girlie would say, which is very hard seeing as I haven't seen her since January but I know if she was still with me she would say "Just stop thinking about it and go!" I know she would say that with rather a lot of forcefulness in her voice... Ha! I love her! Also I know she would be saying that this is my parachute jump && that I just gotta jump no matter how scary and hard it'll be!

This time tomorrow I would have done it, I would have gone to the movie and survived... Let's just hope I can actually do it. I just hope that the moment I see Helena B-C all that worry will spiral away like her crazy hair!

                                                     See you on the other side!

                                                                   Emma x

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