Thursday 25 August 2011

Three Shrinks. One Day.

Evening Bloggers

So yesterday was a crazy busy day for me! It was pretty much a week of appointments put into one day, so you can imagine my stress level was pretty high!

 In the morning I had my meet with S at Summerhayes in the next town along from where I live... It's a new service i've got into contact with it offers all sorts of courses and counseling etc, the meet with S and L went really well, it's made me feel a lot more confident about the rest of this year especially as I will be getting loads more help! So in September im going to be doing this WRAP (Wellbeing Recovery Action Plan) course with a small group of people, im not quite sure totally what it's about but L is sending me a info pack all about the course, as she runs it! After the course has finished I will be doing a Community Links Course with S which pretty much helps you in getting out into the world of work and just basically do what everyone else my age does- so that sounds especially good! The meet only last 40 minutes so it wasn't too long but what helped was that it was situated in a really relaxed atmosphere, I look forward to working with the service!

*1 and 1/2 Criminal Minds episodes later...*

In the afternoon I had my meet with my CAMHS worker as usual on a wednesday, it went well this time again! E was basically singing her praises to me in managing to take the Risperidone- which was actually really nice to hear someone out of the family say that they were proud of me!! It was quite a random session actually... talking about how I could re-arrange the counseling room to become my own little home. It's pretty funny because whenever I see E, there is always some kind of heavy vehicle outside making itself known to the world...I seem to be a massive magnet that attracts loud machinery, it's pretty funny... we just look at each  other and laugh because it always happens!!

Last and not least I had my usual counseling call as I always do every wednesday at 5pm on the dot... Well that's a lie usually im a little late in ringing but R never minds! It went well but not as well as the previous two sessions earlier on in the day, I found it a little depressing towards the end as we were chatting about my best girlie- but it was okay I guess!

I can honestly say I don't think I have ever felt so tired after counseling, I mean chatting to three different people in one day is pretty heavy so I wasn't surprised that I felt so tired afterwards! Headache + tiredness really doesn't go well, thank gok I managed to sleep all through the night last night as usually the hunger-side-effects of the meds like to wake me up nice and early!

                                                                       Emma x

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