Sunday 14 August 2011

If you don't go out? What DO you do....

Evening Everyone!

I never thought about this in remote detail but I don't go out often as we all know... so what do I do with my days spent indoors? Not much that's for sure, my life is rather boring compared to my sister's that's for sure, but in saying that I am in a very different situation to my sister! So really all my day consists of is sleeping, watching TV (Criminal Minds, of-course) painting my nails, watching films && writing!

 I've gotten very much into writing these days which consists of writing letters to my friend A, as well as writing in my little book- it's a therapy thing to pretty much record how I feel etc... I won't bore you with the in's and out's of therapy writing! I am very much into letter writing with my friend A who (like me) has a pure love for Gok Wan! It's funny really because we met as Twitter followers through our love of GW... After months of chatting on Twitter, we swapped FB's and numbers and spoke that way, of-course the love of Gok never runs smoothly through texting so we met up in the city to go see the filming of Gok's Clothes Roadshow- it was truly an awesome day out! I had the idea a couple of weeks after to write to A to thank her for a lovely day out (this was the first time I had met her in real life, rather than the virtual world) && the rest is history! We now write each other letters all the time, including photos and little gifts... It really cheers me up as well as giving me a well needed distraction from how I am feeling inside!

It's just something about letter writing that I find very heart-warming, the fact that you && the sender are taking time to put pen to paper rather than emailing, it just seems so much more personal plus the letters I've received are little treasures that i'll keep forever! I cannot thank A enough for being there for me since we have known each other, she means the absolute world to me... I don't know what I would do without her!

                                                                        Emma x

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