Monday 22 August 2011

Goal Of The Week!

Good Evening Lovelies

I can't actually believe how fast this month is going before I know it i'll be well into my second year at College! So it's a brand new week which means a brand new 'Goal Of The Week'. The previous challenge that I had last week was the absolute hardest, although I find going out socializing incredibly hard- the meds took the top prize for sure! You really cannot imagine how hard that was for me to put that Risperidone liquid into my mouth... Took me at least 5-6 months, but I got there in the end no matter how long it took!

So my goal for this week, well I have an extremely busy two days this week- wednesday and thursday! On wednesday I am meeting my new therapist, then afterwards im going to see my CAMHS worker then later on I have my counseling call- busy huh! On thursday I am picking up my Photography GCSE result (I didn't do GCSE's in Year 11, another story; another day) with my bestest and then afterwards I have family therapy!

 I guess really my main goal for this week is to actually attend all of those things, but then again I feel my goal of the week should be centered around meeting up with Sasi && going into College to pick up the results... It's gonna be hard but im desperate to see Sas again, as it's been a couple of weeks since! So I guess folks, thats my goal of the week to meet my lovely Sasi at College and get our exam results!

                                                                    Wish me luck!

                                                                     Emma x

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