Monday 15 August 2011

Goal Of The Week!

Evening (:

A new week, a new goal of the week!! So going to the cinema was a very successful trip last week, I don't know what got me through (no doubt my love for Helena) but I did- I even want to see the film all over again! So here we go for goal number 3, to be honest I actually haven't got anything lined up for this week... *shameful* Everyone needs a break right?

 I mean there are things I can think of that I should probably do... hardly exciting but life never always is! *sigh* well I need to put all my money in the bank, make a dentist appt -which I shall say i've avoided for the past couple of years (ew!) because of my bad-ass phobia of going but seeing as im gonna get braces, I guess I should go!! My friend said she'll come (i'll need a hand to break) for moral support and all!

Then there is the money front... I really should get a job! Me and my best girlie had this conversation before about getting a job while dealing with acute anxiety! She was saying about getting a part time job or a weekend job, I mean heck yeah I can't deal with a 9-5 job each and everyday! Small steps as everyone says... So I guess I should go round and look for a little job, that would certainly be a massive step for me in getting and actually holding down a job, this is coming from the person who struggled in a job during work experience at school! I know it's not very interesting but my ideal job would be in telesales purely because 1. your not dealing with clients face to face which I wouldn't be confident at && 2. I am confident in talking over the phone! So *although boring* it would be my perfect job... as long as I took my anti-bac with me!

Above all that there is one major factor of this week that needs an awful lot of discussion and thought over before I do anything... Medication! Now im already on meds for my depression (High-5 to the Prozac) but my physiatrist - yes the one who turned up an hour late- wants me to go on an anti-psychotic specifically to help with my OCD! Although Risperidone is purely meant for Bipolar and Schizophrenia- none of which I have thankfully but *apparently* it's meant to also help sufferers of obsessive compulsive disorder! For me to actually take meds is an incredibly hard step, it took me months to actually put the Prozac in my mouth, coming to think of it i've pretty much been on Prozac for a year- wow! My physiatrist prescribed me the Risperidone back in March and well.. long story short i've yet to take it due to my anxiety in taking meds! So basically "D-Day" is on wednesday when I see my therapist && i'll discuss my anxieties with her about it and then if I feel confident enough, I'll take it that afternoon!

Wish me luck!

                                                           Emma x

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