Monday 1 August 2011

Goal Of The Week!

Hope everyone is having a fabulous monday!

Pretty much every therapist I have had has said to me to have a small goal each week, something that pushes me but not so much that I retreat back to my bedroom in tears! So I have been deep in thought today thinking what should my goal be, it didn't take me long to come up with the goal of going to my best bud's birthday on Friday. She will be turning 19 and wants me to come over her house to rave it up! The thought of taking two trains to get to her house, staying round her house and eating at her house absolutely terrifies me...Partly down to my social phobia and eating disorder but it's my goal of the week and im willing to make it happen!! I've also never been to her house before so it's a very different atmosphere to what Im used to. I guess I need to stop thinking about the what ifs and start thinking "I can very much do this!" 
                                                Emma x

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