Sunday 21 August 2011

Happy Prozac-aversary!

Good Evening Lovely People!

I believe it's the 21st August today... This can only mean one thing- i've been on Prozac for a whole entire year! Gosh this year has just gone super fast! I remember the morning this time last year I was sat on the sofa, hands shaking, contemplating weather or not to down the medicine spoon on Prozac liquid or to just sip it. I remember the worrying thoughts in my head were so loud that I couldn't even hear what Gok was saying on HTLGN! The moment I swallowed that first spoonful of liquid, I knew it would be the start of the road to recovery... How wrong was I?! Sadly, the anti-depressant didn't do much good at all apart from a little less anxiety but no major help with the depression or OCD/eating problems but I persevered with it! Because it has such a long half-life it took around 6-8 weeks before I noticed the meds working, I didn't realize at the time it would take *that* long seeing as my physiatrist said it would take around a month to work! The first week I was high on and off (side effect) which was a rather interesting experience if not a scary one, all side effects wore off after two weeks. To this day I am still on Prozac although it doesn't have any major effects on my mental health, I like to think it helps a little!

So much has happened in that year, i've loved and lost a very special person, completed my first year of college but only just by the skin of my teeth (close call), managed to finally take a new medication which will hopefully help me OCD wise && more importantly get me through my second year of College and on top of all that getting a new therapist in the service which I've been with for nearly four years! That might not sound like a lot of things to one person, but in my world it's an awful lot! I was extremely taken back and affected when my best girl left, months of tears and upset, the nagging pain inside that I just wanted her back... I cannot help but think about her everyday, but I know in my heart that she hasn't forgotten about me!

Don't get me wrong though, it's not all bad! I've met some wonderful new friends at College, one of which I am planning a trip to America with early next year! I've proved how much of a determined person I am in battling through the days of not wanting to go to College as well as the many times when I almost quit due to the anxiety of being in College... I've met the gorgeous Gok Wan twice as well as the gorgeous Brix Smith-Start with a fabulous girl whom I met on Twitter && now we are penpals together, forever- I wouldn't know what to do without her!

Here's to another year on Prozac *cheers*

                                                                Emma x

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