Tuesday 2 August 2011

A Disordered Life With Food.

Hope everyone is having a lovely day enjoying the sunshine!

So this morning as I was eating my bowl of muesli watching "This Morning" once JK had finished I was absolutely shocked to hear the headlines in the papers that children as young as 5 are suffering with the eating disorder, Anorexia! I myself isn't a parent or plan to be anytime soon but if I did have a child who suffered with an eating disorder at that age I would be pretty horrified to think that my child was obsessing over their weight when they should be out playing and living a care free life. It's a very alarming prospect in stark reality, it makes me feel sad to think that these children are filled with so much hate towards their bodies at that age!! When I was 5 I was out playing in the garden, with my sister covered in mud not at any moment in my life (until 14) had I worried about my weight or wished I looked like all the celebrities in the glossy magazines.

When I turned 14, things changed due to the emotional abuse I received so my only vice I could turn to was food, don't get me wrong at that point I didn't or was never planning on loosing weight it just happened because I was eating so little during the day... At the point where my parents got told I wouldn't live past six weeks was the moment when they realized that I needed help. Bring in the therapists!! Due to the fact that I was at such a low weight, my first therapist who thought I was anorexic sent me to the physiatrist for a second opinion (I hate getting passed around like a frisbee) he didn't think I was anorexic so in the end I was diagnosed with EDNOS (Eating Disorder Not Otherwise Specified) to this day I don't really understand what that means as it was never explained to me properly but what I do know is that it's not anorexia or bulimia. It goes with the traits that you would get in an anorexic such as the "safe foods", times in which you can eat, times when you can't etc..I guess at the end of the day it's all about control!

What does everyone else think of the rise in eating disorders of children under 10?

                                                                 Emma x

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