Tuesday 16 August 2011

NOTD: You Crack Me Up!

Good Evening Lovelies!

I believe it's tuesday- my nail loving afternoon watching Criminal Minds && painting my nails, my two loves put together into one afternoon! So my original plan for today's mani was to do the marble effect nail art, but well... It didn't go quite as planned! Although it is swirly and marbled, it just doesn't look "right" so I skipped out in doing it on the other hand && decided to crackle my nails up! I decided against photographing my marbled nails purely because it'll put shame upon my already lovely blog!

                                                             What I used:
                                                - Barry M Blueberry Ice Cream
                                                - Barry M Coral
                                                - Barry M Lemon Ice Cream
                                                - Barry M Mint Green
                                                - Barry M Mushroom
                                                - Barry M Nail Effects in Black
                                                - BeautyUK Clear

You'll have to excuse the upside down photos- my brain isn't really with it today... I think it's because im anxious about tomorrow's meet with my therapist && the discussion of the meds + the letter I gave her! If tomorrow could never come.... Fine by me!

                                                                          Emma x

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