Wednesday 10 August 2011

Would you like Popcorn with that?

Evening Lovelies!

It's wednesday and my goal of the week is done! I actually can't believe I managed to go to the cinema having avoided it for years and now I went out of free will, it's just amazing! Although in saying that it wasn't that easy as I am making it out to be...

Of-course last night and this morning I was having second thoughts, I mean it's a movie I could just buy it on DVD- no anxiety, no going out! The morning gradually came after a night of tossing and turning (that's anxiety for you) and I was in no state of preparation for going to the cinema, but this was something I really wanted to do so I pushed through the initial anxiety in the morning. The good thing is that the movie was at 11am so I didn't have to wait until the afternoon showing otherwise I could have pretty much guaranteed that I wouldn't have gone as the anxiety would have risen too high! It was more difficult because I didn't want to let my sister down seeing as she agreed to come with me so 10.30 came && we were on our way to the cinema...

Now seeing as Harry Potter has been out for almost a month my sister was pretty certain that the cinema wouldn't be packed purely because of the time frame it's been out but well... she was very wrong! There were absolutely loads of people, I was surprised to see that many people but we had already bought our tickets so there was no turning back now!

All throughout the film my tummy was jangled with anxiety which was difficult to deal with at times but you know what I did it && I am super proud of myself! Now to get to the good part- the actual movie! OMG it was amazing, so much better than HP: Part 1 it was just simply awesome! For all you Bellatrix lovers out there she certainly played a bigger role in part 2 than part 1, which was so good for me as I am just in love with Bellatrix! As I said before although my tummy was jangled throughout the film was certainly decent enough to focus my mind on that rather than my stomach- so that's good! It was a rather sad moment when Bellatrix dies (curse you Mrs Weasley) a part of me died inside! LOL I would certainly go and see it again, but on DVD I've had enough anxiety! My sister loved it so much she is planning on seeing it for the 3rd time soon, she is a Potter fanatic! She loves Snape; I love Bellatrix... In the end they both die!

After the film I tried to get some photos of the movie photo outside the cinema, but well the plan backfired on me as some kids were staring at me && I get rather self-conscious when people just randomly stare at me when Im trying to take a photo of something... Or maybe they were fascinated by my Criminal Minds t-shirt...Yes we will put it down to that! Please excuse the bad angle of the photos I was in a rush due to those pesky kids!

                                      My bitch Bellatrix completes the photo!

                                    My destination point... The place of anxiety!

                                          Proof that I actually went to the cinema!

All in all I am extremely proud of myself that I managed to haul myself out the house to take a step in beating my anxiety, anyone who suffers with acute anxiety will know how hard it just is to do these kinda things! You know what, im not afraid to say I suffer with anxiety anymore... This is me! This is who I am and if it takes me a little longer to do something then people have to deal with it! I even laughed during the movie, I blame Ron and his un-funny-yet-hilarious-jokes as well as he-who-must-not-be-named (Voldemort- there I said it) laugh! It's hilarious you won't miss it!

      Now I just need to treat myself with some more Barry M nail paint.... I think so!

                                                                          Emma x

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