Friday 5 August 2011

In the words of Michael Jackson- This Is It!

Evening Lovelies

Well this week has gone super fast that's for sure... The last thing I remember was creating my "Goal of the Week" blog in deciding what my goal of this week would be! It's been a difficult week, full of tears, high anxiety, annoyance and joy and especially worry purely because of today.. My judgement day where I would go and meet my bestest friend to celebrate her 19th birthday! I have to say the week usually goes pretty slow when you stay inside all day, but this week seemed to have flown by- no doubt cuz I was so anxious for today.

Due to my E.D I was toying with myself this morning as to eat breakfast or not, as whenever I go out for an appt or meeting with a friend I won't eat anything and go hungry until about 2, but today was different today my lovely mother managed to encourage me to have a little breakfast seeing as I was going to out and about- I mean who wants to feel faint? I've had enough of that so I forced myself to eat a little cereal! That was pretty much the first hurdle of the day, the 2nd hurdle came in going into town this morning to get a "Happy birthday" balloon with 19 on it.. Turns out no where sells "19" balloons, suckish I know so I had to get a "Teenager" one and write "It's your final year of being a..." It turned out pretty good. Of- course my biggest hurdle was going to meet Sasi, my mum kindly walked down to the station with me where I met her. We went on the beach which was lovely and refreshing seeing as the weather has been pretty warm out today!

I totally wasn't expecting her to bring me gifts that's for sure, she bought me 3 different things from her trip to Thailand:
                                                          A rather extravagant iPhone case!
                                                          I do love sparkles.  
                                   A wooden DSLR keyring with our nickname on it! 

                                A bonnet style hair clip, should be interesting....

What's even more lovely is that I would never buy these things for myself, I just wouldn't so it makes it all the more special I think! After the beach we had a sneaky trip into Superdrug I thought I would treat myself (I wasn't planning on it) to some nail varnish as kinda of a well done for beating my anxiety and meeting up with my friend. So these are the ones I purchased- Barry M of course:

                                           This brings my Barry M collection up to 10
                                           Blueberry, Mushroom and Coral.

I have to hand it to myself, it was really nice to go out with someone else other than my mum! Plus I think I coped better than I expected, although it was only for just under 2 hours it was nice to just get out the house and be a teenager. All I can say now is, bring on my goal of the week for next week!

                                                             Emma x

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