Thursday 1 September 2011

To The Dentist I Went...

Evening Everyone

As my 'goal of the week' I decided to make it as a trip to the dentist due to the fact that im getting braces real soon so I thought as I had avoided the dentist for over 3 years it may be good to go just to check if everything is all good!

Thankfully my mum managed to get a morning appt for me, it always lessens any anxiety I may have beforehand! Surprisingly I wasn't that nervous, of-course I was nervous but I wasn't completely bricking it! The appt was at 10.40 but we arrived a little late due to me fumbling around/not wanting to get up in the early morning but it was fine- I didn't even have a chance to go into the waiting room as he was standing in their waiting for me and my mumma to arrive...which was good and bad- good that I didn't have to go through that anxious wait in the waiting room but bad because I didn't have time to do my deep breathing beforehand!!

Anyways so I got in there, heart thumping, hands sweating and all the jazz! I have to say I was a little anxious in saying that I was on anti-depressants and anti-psychotics but it was alright in the end! Man how I hate the smell of dentists, as soon as you walk in it just hits you as an over-powering smell- the smell alone makes you want to leave! Thank goodness that in despite the fact that I  had stayed away for over 3 years, my teeth are all good && I don't need any work done *massive sigh of relief* It certainly wasn't as scary as I had expected + I didn't take the valium beforehand which I expected I would do!

I feel incredibly proud of myself- once again I need to treat myself! Im thinking 3 bottles of Barry M nail varnish for my A* and an iTunes card for making it out today! I've also spotted some shoes as a gift from my parents for me A*... Oh Dr martin, you called?

I think their pretty awesome, now all i'll need is to shave all my hair off and wear my jeans folded up! I searched out for some colorful Nikes in OFFICE and Offspring but well... none of them weren't colorful enough for my liking!!

                                                                       Emma x 

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