Tuesday 6 September 2011

The woes of an Eating Disorder!

Good Evening

So im in need of a rant and a rave- *Miranda moment* bare with... bare with... here we go! Right living with an eating disorder certainly isn't a part time job- it's a full time occupation- an occupation that I absolutely deteste!

I was chatting about it with my mum (we don't often talk about the e/d) this afternoon which was nice but it's just made me a whole lot more frustrated with it all. As good as my CAMHS worker has been to me we just never discuss the eating disorder which pretty much along with the OCD is the most important things right now! Just a word of Emma- im not anorexic- when people say "i've an eating disorder" people assume it's ana or mia- I am neither. My eating disorder is known as EDNOS (Eating Disorder Not Otherwise Specified) which I got diagnosed with when I was 14 years of age... Since then my life (eating wise) has been absolute hell mixed with obscene amounts of peanut butter!

Yes peanut butter && bread is part of 8 other things that are in my 'safe foods' all very boring, very monotonous, very upsetting! I try not to think about it but at the end of the day you can't not think about what is wrong in your life- it gets me down a lot especially when I see my family eat normally! I guess that's why I always eat by myself, the only person I can deal with eating in the same room is my mum!

Tomorrow I have my app with my CAMHS worker so I think im gonna see if we can just focus on the eating disorder in the session *fingers crossed* I just hope it goes okay...

                                                                     Emma x


  1. Oh, I'm sorry that you have to deal with an eating disorder! :( I'd be interested in knowing more about it because I guess I was pretty ignorant and thought that eating disorders were only anorexia and bulimia. My best friend from high school was suffering from bulimia for years and her life was hell because of it.

    So what is your disorder exactly? You can only eat a limited variety of food? Do you know why? I'm open-minded and curious so hopefully you don't think I'm being nosy!

  2. Hi There

    I would be happy to share my e/d story with you :) Do you have an e-mail address?

    E x

  3. Oh, that's really generous of you, thank you! You can reach me at juliethefairy@yahoo.ca

    And now I'm starting to wonder if my 7 year old son has an eating disorder too... He LOVES to eat but doesn't like a lot of stuff. He always eats the same things and new foods often disgust him to the point of gagging. He doesn't like a lot of textures, etc. But when he does like something, he doesn't know when to stop and will eat until he's nauseous if I don't control his portions.

    Anyway, I'm looking forward to reading your story Emma! Thanks again!
