Saturday 24 September 2011

Hope for the future after Monday?

Evening Lovelies

Hope your all have a nice weekend so far!

So on monday I start this WRAP Course that i've been put down to do at Summerhayes which is a new service im with for people suffering with mental illnesses etc... WRAP stands for Wellness Recovery Action Plan which was founded by Mary Ellen Copeland in 1989. Her idea was to shift in mental health care from 'symptom control' to prevention and recovery, on her website I quote what she says about the course "the result is significant life enhancement, gains in self esteem, and self confidence as people become contributing members of the community." Sounds pretty positive right! 

I think the WRAP Course sounds really good overall- it costs just £10 for a three hour a week, six week course which to me sounds extremely good but as i've said before money is no object for my parents when it comes to helping me with my mental illnesses, soon to be going private for my eating disorder! Of course I have my anxieties about monday (obviously, it wouldn't be called anxiety disorder if I was totally calm) I guess my main worry really is that I'll be the youngest person there because technically you have to be over 18 to even join Summerhayes but because of the mental illnesses that I suffer with they've made an exception on my account so I've joined four months earlier... It's not a massive age gap between adulthood but im particularly worried that people will leave me out due to the fact that i'll be the youngest there, I know my worries sound silly but that's how Im feeling about it all but I guess I will just have to wait until monday to find out!

                                                                   Emma x

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