Sunday 11 September 2011

R.I.P 9/11

Evening Everyone

Everyone knows what day it is today... it's the 10th anniversary of the Twin Tower attacks on the 11th September 2001. The day that shook everyone's world around the world!! I was only 7 years of age when this tragedy happened, I remember I was sat in maths class when I was at Private School- I can remember the exact desk that I sat at when we got told about what had happened in New York.

Back when I was in therapy with my best girlie she told me this story about how when she && her partner went to America on a trip, they were walking along when suddenly it was all quiet and eery- she then realized they were at Ground Zero! I remember her telling me how busy and noisy it always was throughout New York except at Ground Zero it was extremely quiet- to remember people who lost their lives.

This is why I've made this post, to commemorate all the lives that were lost in the horrific attacks on 9/11! To say that im thinking about all the families and friends who lost loved ones on that day- that awful day which the world will never forget... To all those people who put their own lives in danger to rescue others- they are the true heros in all of this! 

                                                                    Emma x


  1. you're a sweet soul, Emma... We should never forget that so many lost their life to such a terriristic attack... I thought about them all a lot too... And I can't help still feeling it painful as if it was yesterday...

  2. Thank You! Although I or no one I knew was directly affected by 9/11 I still find it incredibly sad to think of all those innocent people who lost their lives! I may have been seven at the time, but as i've gotten older and grown up i've learnt the true devastation of it! Hope you are well?

    E x
