Wednesday 28 September 2011

Going private...

Evening Everyone

For a while now there has been talk amongst my parents of getting private therapy to help me with my mental health problems, the moment has arrived! The other day me && my mother were browsing online at private therapists who specialize in eating disorders, we found someone who looks very promising- KER-CHING! Im set to meet her next tuesday at 2pm with my mumma, im feeling very nervous all ready i've never really seen someone just for my eating disorder apart from D when I was 14- but that was mainly because I was so underweight! It's going to be a difficult week for sure, monday i've got my second session of WRAP, tuesday i've got College && im seeing my new E/D therapist, wednesday I think im seeing E my CAMHS worker && thursday I've got College!! It's going to be a long week... 

                                                                  Emma x

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