Monday 5 September 2011

College Enrolment...What A Mess!

Evening Lovelies

Long time no speak, yesterday I was just way too tired to blog but im here today- I would love to say im here and refreshed but well that would be lying!

So this morning I went to College to enroll for me second year- let me tell you now, it was a very big, very ugly mess! As a person who suffers with mental health problems college doesn't come easy to me, it takes a lot of motivation from my mum to get me to actually go so as you can imagine today I did not want to go purely because Im worried that by going it'll make my mental health worse! Eventually she persuaded me to go to enrollment, once I got there the anxiety kicked in!

Of course everyone has those little worries about going back to school/college but I guess me being the fruit loop that I am finds it a lot more difficult! This year I have a new tutor (whom after today I do not like at all) my original worries was that he wouldn't understand the situation that I am in, which would turn into an even bigger mess! Now my previous tutor told me that she would pass on my notes etc to my new tutor so he knew all about me and my situation but no, no knowing about the situation = no passed on notes! So as you can imagine im pretty annoyed at this point. I decided to do what anyone else would do- speak to the tutor regarding the situation regarding the courses (i've now enrolled on courses I have no intention of taking, yet no one listened to me) but of course he would sit down, listen for a single moment and then walk away! I was just absolutely livid at this point that I just walked out (well to be honest me and my friend went to the toilets but walking out sounds better) to phone my mum so I could rant and rave about what was going on!

By the end of the enrollment which I might add took up to 4 hours- just to sign some papers and get your photo taken, pathetic- I was just absolutely fed up, hungry and faint and of-course wanting to go home! Me being me I had to ring my CAMHS worker about the whole mess of a situation, once I had her guidance and "it'll all work out in the long run" I could finally manage lunch! The enrollment wore me out so much I needed to sleep after lunch- it was very much needed! After a chat with my lovely mother we both agreed that the next best thing would be to email my tutor about the situation which I have done so hopefully i'll get an adequate reply back!

                                                                 Emma x


  1. school enrollment would drive anyone crazy... you did good to resist the whole 4 hours... crazy it took so long! Pathetic, really... but at least it's done! ;)

  2. I can totally agree on that- Yes I do feel pleased with myself actually because I very very nearly didn't go!

    Thank You :)

    E x
