Saturday 3 September 2011

Cake Bake Time!

Good Evening To You All,

So today was spent all day by myself as my family went to see my grandparents, as usual I stay at home! I really needed something to do to 1. fill the time and 2. do something to distract myself from my depression so I thought why not bake a cake! About a year or so ago I used to do a lot of baking each week but then I just stopped, so today was the first time in way over a year that I've baked something and you know what? I enjoyed it! 

Although I enjoyed making my little creation the only downside is is that I won't be eating it! My eating disorder (im not anorexia) prevents me eating anything other than the 'safe' food that I have! So i'll have to go with what my mum says as to how the cake tastes! 

Frank the Flour Face! So Adorable <3

Little burnt round the edges!  Goes from this...

It really did smell wonderful! 

TO THIS! Very Proud Moment (: 

Had to get a close-up of the flowers- too cute!
Your probably all wondering what cake it was that I made in the end, it was a Pecan & Cinnamon cake with a homemade strawberry jam layer in the middle! When I showed my parents, they both had different reactions my dad was like 'Ooohh it's a spongebob!' where as my mum's eyes lit up with 'Oohhhh that looks good!!' Ha! I love presenting my mumma with cakes- it always makes her smile!

                                                                    Emma x

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