Friday 7 October 2011


Evening Beauts,

Today has been a very exciting day for me purely because Season 7 of my favorite ever program comes out tonight... well actually it's on right this moment and my favorite program I hear you ask? None other than the American crime drama Criminal Minds- it's a program that I absolutely adore && will always adore! You'll probably wondering why im sat here blogging rather than watching my beloved program... I blame OCD! It's all OCD's fault as to why I can't watch it right now but no fear im recording it as we blog ready to watch it tonight with my mumma (a true fan yet she doesn't like to admit it) I can't wait! I've already had a little sneaky peak just at the preview of the first episode 'It Takes a Village' I mean come on who can resist Prentiss's charming ways!!
Not surprisingly I have this photo next to my bed <3
                                                                 Emma x


  1. hey, emma. Haven't gotten your mail address yet, so your A gifts are still in the drawer, not even wrapped, Do you have a P.O. Box?

  2. Glad you're feeling better. :)

  3. Hey Limner I shall message you on one of your posts of my address (: Your too kind!

    E x
