Saturday 1 October 2011

An adventure into the big wide world...

Evening Everyone

Eventful. That's the word that I would use to sum up the day and boy was it a difficult, I braved going out in the outside world to a market in a town a few miles away from me with my darling parents! I don't really remember the last time I went to a market, since my eating disorder I always thought they were pretty boring as I can't try the different cheese's and chutneys on the weeney pieces of cracker so I never went but today was different... Today I wanted to test myself && my outside world limits, famous last words!

I regretted it. As soon as I got there I regretted coming out, I just wanted to go back home to the safety of my bed and Doctor Who! The sheer amount of people there was unbelievable, I'd gladly go and hide under a market stall just to get away from all the people >.< Gah it was horrible- never again shall I go back to that market... but you know what despite all that, I did it- I made it outside && the world didn't fall apart even if my emotions did, im still alive!

On the way back I managed to snap a couple of pictures of the brewery... Mmm I feel sleepy!

The place where alcohol beer related dreams are made!

Free beer is never a bad thing!!

So tempting to just jump right in and paddle away...

                                                                       Emma x