Monday 2 January 2012

This is it....

Evening Bloggers,

Well this is it, it's now 2012! Everything is all up in the air now, today in three weeks time I turn 18! CAMHS only goes up to 18, so i'll be going into the adult services! When? That's something I don't know it could be a day over my 18th or it could be three months over my 18th, it all depends when the adult services get into contact! The referral letter got sent last week (I think) so maybe I might hear from them between now and my next appt with E, I hate not knowing when i'll leave- that's the thing that frustrates me the most about the situation! If there was a set date then I could prepare myself for it but there isn't so no doubt it'll suddenly spring upon me or E will suddenly say at the end of session "Oh yeah next week will be our last session"!!

 Damn Paget- why you so hot? 

I so have plans for our last session, whenever it will be? We shall sit and watch Criminal Minds and then I can go on and on about how much I love Paget, sounds rather fabby to me! Maybe even kinda awkward but hey im never one to miss out on a CM opportunity! Im thinking the EP centered episode would be good to watch but then again maybe even the episode with Ian Doyle... Hmm... your therapist, Paget Brewster, Ian Doyle and that unbutton-down-her-shirt-moment ;) Oh yes you know the one fans!

                                                                     Emma x

1 comment:

  1. Hi Emma! I'm not sure if you remember me, it has been 2 years. You might not even see this message since the both of us haven't been active on our blogs for 2 years, but I just wanted to know how you were doing :) I'm sorry if this is sudden U_U
