Wednesday 14 December 2011

Im gonna be a real life Ugly Betty!

Hey Lovelies

So the time has officially come! Next tuesday I will be a real life Ugly Betty... Oh how I love you America Ferrera <3 Yes the time has come for me to get my braces on *YAY* To be honest with you im rather excited about it, sounds strange and your probably thinking 'wait 'till the pain comes, she'll hate them' but Im actually looking forward to it! Okay yes there is parts of me that is freakin' out about tuesday and it's only natural to do so but hey that's cool right? Another suckish thing about getting braces next week is that...well... isn't it blatantly obvious? It's the week of Christmas!! Im going to be in pain during Christmas- how unfair is that? In my defense it was either the 20th December or mid-February and im sorry but i've been waiting since I was 14 to get my braces on so this chick isn't waiting any longer! *Hmph* I guess im more worried about kids making fun of me.... a 17 year old with braces? Seriously! Give me a break... But hey that's their problem right? Im more excited about picking the colors, I think i'll go with Betty Blue especially for Ferrera!

                                                                     Emma x